
AnimalDrugs Used by the Tribals of India:AReview

Author(s): Karuna S. Verma1*&Sulekha Pathak2

India is gifted with immense faunal and floral diversity. The tribals who depend on plants and ani-mals for their day to day life and health problems are the real custodians of the knowledge of medicinallyimportant plants and animals. Most of the knowledge accumulated by the tribals on medicinal plants and animals is unknown to the scientific community. Most of the biodiversity also cited with tribals has either disappeared or is on the verge of extinction. Therefore, the immense concern of the scientific community is to document the therapeutic use of plants and animal species and to devise strategies to preserve and tap this rich knowledge in a more sustainable way for the benefit of mankind. This review article is for summarizing the therapeutic uses of animals and animal prod-ucts.


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