
Bioaccumulation, Translocation and Internal Partitioning of cadmium in Vigna mungo and Assessment of its Phytoremediation Potential

Author(s): Akhil Gupta1 , Aprajita Singh1 & 2 AnamikaTripathi1* and J. K. Pathak2

Seedlings of Vigna mungo T-9 were given Cd exposure (0 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm,200 ppm, 300 ppm 500 ppm CdSO4) in pot experiments having metal amended soils. After 45 days plant parts roots, shoot, and leaves were analysed. Cd accumulation in them was measured with the help of inductively coupled plasma – Optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), after digestion with HNO3 and perchloric acid. Significant accumulation of Cd occurred in root, shoot and leaves of Vigna mungo. Chlorophyll estimation as also done at different exposure of Cd. Despite high Cd exposure there was mild decline in chlorophyll content and better Cd accumulation especially in roots (37.5 µg/g at 200 ppm CdSO4) and shoots (20.7 µg/g at 200 ppm CdSO4) of Vigna mungo T-9 was reported.


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