
Indian Rural Banking ???Role of Regional Rural Banks

Author(s): Manish Khanna

The financial possibility of the RRBs(Regional Rural Banks)has, however, been a matter of concern since the 1980s, just five years after their existence.A number of committees have gone into the issue of their finan-cial possibility and feasible restructuring. India’s economy is primarily rural in nature. Over the past few years rural India has witnessed an increase in the buying power of consumers, accompanied by their desire to upgrade their standard of living. In order to shape the present rural scenario there is an urgent need of upgrading various factors like employability, literacy, irrigation, infrastructure, advanced technologies, basic telecommunication facili-ties and above all need of efficient financial system.This study made an attempt to enquire as to factors that influ-ence the performance of the RRBs and the role-played by these banks.


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