
Performance Evaluation of Irrigation Projects -A Case Study of Lift Irrigation Scheme Sirsa Manjholi in Solan area of Shivalik Himalayas

Author(s): H.P. Singh*, M.R. Sharma**, Quamrul Hassan***and Naved Ahsan****

Case study was made to assess the performance of irrigation water management of Lift Irrigation Scheme Sirsa Manjholi in Solan area of Shivalik Himalayas. The study was carried out from June 2010 to June 2011. The study has pointed out that the physical performance of lift irrigation scheme is poor. The construction of this scheme has not resulted in any change in cropping pattern of the command area. There are no permanent diversion head works to divert the river water. The water level of the river is going down day by day due to rampant mining of the river bed material. The Krishak Vikas Sangh is non-functional and there is little involvement of farmers in water management of the scheme. The water charges are a very low and that too are not being collected


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